Why, Some People see How you Talk as a Bad thing.


So, i’m going to talk about something a little close to home for me, talking volume, and to most average people this isn’t a problem but if your like me and talk very loud or like some people I know and talk very softly , you know it can be. My friends and family often complain about my volume, I talk loud I always have, it’s simply what I do, there are many reasons some people talk loud and maybe it’s because I feel like i’m not heard or a ear problem. But I do, I get humiliated daily for it, asked to be quieter because I hurt peoples ears, and yesit’s all fine and good to ask me but it’s embarrassing because I cannot control my volume. I just do it. Where as soft spoken people are told to speak up, to be louder and some are quite shy and for them it’s embarrassing, but i’m hear to say, while looking up this topic I saw aq lot of opinions that loud people are lonely, or quiet people are cowardly, and i’m hear to say whether these things are true or not, or if you have a disability that is embarrassing to you, you can’t help it so it’s their problem not yours. Ihope this madesomeone feel better. Do you have a similar problem? Comment below I’d love to hear about it.

Self Love is the most liberating.


So, in the past few years I’ve learned the glories of self love. It’s a hard won love and in every topic I read about it, it is made so cliche. Self love is not the only love you get when can’t get any other love or something single people have it’s something everyone deserves, it’s self respect and it’s self worth. You deserve to be happy and appreciated and loved, and like they say if you want something done, do it yourself. Maybe that’s why it’s seen as something singles have but really it’s a great beautiful thing, so take that extra long bath, turn down that guy or girl who you aren’t totally in love with but only consider dating so you won’t be alone (you know what i’m talking about) and give it a try. You deserve the very best. So, give it to yourself.

How to Liberate Yourself in Your Everyday Life.

So, recently I started to notice that as a culture we use the term, ‘should’ a lot. We should go to that conference, we should buy this, we should work here. But none of these thing are wants, we don’t desire the things in our lives with a passion, we just do things because society expects it of us. These ‘should’s’  lead to unhappiness in our lives we feel pressured to do things that we don’t enjoy. It leads to us neglecting our inner selves, yes sometimes we need to think about the good of the family or the relationship, but sometimes we can miss that dinner party at our friends and enjoy a relaxing bubble bath instead, also quit speaking with the word should, and you realize how much you truly say it. Let go, of what the world wants you to do and enjoy life more.

The little things and why we should notice them more.


Ok, so in the all the busyness of your average day, between your kids, or going to school, you feel like your drowning in things you have to do, and you forget about the little and big things. I have recently been struggling with this myself, but just remember in 200 years none of this will matter, you and everything you love and care about with be dead or destroyed. In this right let’s think, if none of it matters why do I try? Because your a human, you love your kids, or your job or your friends or your pet, so do the little things that make you happy, that make the ones you love happy because you want to. Because you love your job and want to feed your kids because you care about them. If you are doing things because you should and because it’s how things work, you probably aren’t very happy so don’t live because you should live because you want to, when life is a cosmic joke of joy and love, everything and everyone is simply better.

Detox and why it is Oh So Amazing!


Everyone knows that their will always be a latest diet trend, or a detox trend. But Is there a difference between diet and detox?

The answer is Yes!

There is a huge difference. Juice fasting for 3 days is an amazing cleanse and detox ritual I do once a month. But if your juicing to loose weight, then this is not gonna work, any weight you lost with juicing is sure to come back.

However, detox’s are not just good feeling but good for you, with all the chemicals and hormones they put in our food nowadays, we need it more than ever.

However  I do have some great detoxes to recommend.

For a basic body Detox, I recommend Skin brushing.

Then taking a bath with this exfoliating scrub you can make at home.

  • 1 tbsp sea salt
  • 2 tbsp oil (olive, sun flower ect. or yogurt)
  • 1 tbsp thick honey
  • 2-3 drops of sweet marjoram,rose, sweet fennel, or juniper oil.

How music can help and enrich your life.


Music does many things for you it:

  • Relieves Anxiety
  • Reduces Stress
  • Protects your ears sound processing ability
  • Boost Heart health.
  • Soothes Pain
  • Helps Memory

Music does all these things and tons more, it is an invaluabe tool in health so listen to your favorite song today and remember, it’s good for you.

Meditation and why it’s so great and feels so boring.

Meditation is great for your mind and body. Thirty minutes of meditation a day can relieve stress and physical tension and give you many other benefits. Though,once you get ready, you buckle down and start to meditate, what then, it’s just you sitting in a quiet room, believe me i know that feeling.  

I’ve had a lot of my friends ask me what I do because I have meditated for a very long time. In fact have a memory palace andit is phenomenal. It’s a place where I dump all my memories that I deem important and find them again later. It is here that I picture in mind when I meditate not so much to find memories again but for a stress free world that I can run about and mull over my thoughts. So, if you find meditation hard or impossible to you, it’s completely ok, to create a place where you can be present and just relax, where you would normally be unable to. Just remember breathe technique is key.