Tag Archives: amazing

Detox and why it is Oh So Amazing!


Everyone knows that their will always be a latest diet trend, or a detox trend. But Is there a difference between diet and detox?

The answer is Yes!

There is a huge difference. Juice fasting for 3 days is an amazing cleanse and detox ritual I do once a month. But if your juicing to loose weight, then this is not gonna work, any weight you lost with juicing is sure to come back.

However, detox’s are not just good feeling but good for you, with all the chemicals and hormones they put in our food nowadays, we need it more than ever.

However  I do have some great detoxes to recommend.

For a basic body Detox, I recommend Skin brushing.

Then taking a bath with this exfoliating scrub you can make at home.

  • 1 tbsp sea salt
  • 2 tbsp oil (olive, sun flower ect. or yogurt)
  • 1 tbsp thick honey
  • 2-3 drops of sweet marjoram,rose, sweet fennel, or juniper oil.

Crazy is the fear of being alone, and yet crazy is the fear of being with others.

I recently realized that I have become a bit of a recluse with is cool and all but you know what they say about that approach reflex the more you use it, the more you exercise that courage muscle the better you are with people. Unfortunately, I’ve converted back to my bookwormy confused introverted self, so today’s post is on how to work on that muscle even when you are alone. WARNING! This will be ridiculous but it works for me. So! Let’s begin!

1. Pick a Vlog video, any vlog video.  Now  I want you to pretend it’s Skype, perspective shift, you aren’t gazing longing at Hank Green instead he’s waiting on you to acknowledge his crazy project idea.

2. Alright now, think differently, if you look around your home, to you it looks normal you’ve but grown familiar and try to look at it through the eyes of a stranger, as someone who’s judging your most private space and seeing it for the first time. Once again, perspective.

3. Finally, record a video or your own voice but make sure you can’t see yourself recording and then play it back., This is how other people view you and now you will think “Ugh. Oh! I’m hideous.” Then remember, tons of people every day see you like this, see your imperfection, and accept, love, and appreciate it in all its glory.

Now 3 perspective shifts, done enough that even without having other’s acceptance 24/7 this helps you love you yet remain humble and helps you relate with others all from seeing things a tweek differently! Simple huh?!