Tag Archives: babies

A life with maybe less Spice?

Having a baby is a big deal. Now while having a child is not everyone’s idea of a good time, I had a baby. About 3 years ago I was massive and ready to have my kid, I had all the books, I read all the articles, and had all the supplies. I wasn’t prepared not by a long shot.

A lot of what left me wholly unprepared was the stress on my marriage. My marriage being my second one, was completely bent out of shape by our cutest and newest edition. By the time my son was one, romance was 100% out the window. We went to counseling and tried every app and read a lot of the books out there.

We discovered that what was truly lacking wasn’t love but creativity. We had to take and make the time for our romance and love. It wasn’t easy, but once we figured that out, the rest fell into place. We ran across this book. It was a great one. It gave us some really great ideas.

No matter what books you read, how your body reacts to birth, or how much therapy you have. Having dedication is what matters most. For long-lasting love, it takes waking up not only willing to love, but willing to, compromise, apologize, pick your battles, and be dedicated to choosing your partner every chance you get.