Tag Archives: simple

The little things and why we should notice them more.


Ok, so in the all the busyness of your average day, between your kids, or going to school, you feel like your drowning in things you have to do, and you forget about the little and big things. I have recently been struggling with this myself, but just remember in 200 years none of this will matter, you and everything you love and care about with be dead or destroyed. In this right let’s think, if none of it matters why do I try? Because your a human, you love your kids, or your job or your friends or your pet, so do the little things that make you happy, that make the ones you love happy because you want to. Because you love your job and want to feed your kids because you care about them. If you are doing things because you should and because it’s how things work, you probably aren’t very happy so don’t live because you should live because you want to, when life is a cosmic joke of joy and love, everything and everyone is simply better.

How train a puppy in 3 easy steps!

Hey everyone! Today, as the title states we are talking of puppy’s! Go ahead and get all you ooh’s and ahh’s now folks cause it’s time to train a puppy.


We’ve all wanted or had a spouse or child, maybe even a roommate  who wanted that magical Disney experience of a having a puppy. I recently just got one myself and well, they can be a menace. It’s hard doing your everyday work and your well, everyday, everything with a puppy.  Picture for me, if you will, a  hungry, teething infant with legs that runs at the speed of light and poops everywhere and heck, my puppy even cried when I fell asleep at night for a while. It’s hard work to train and rear a puppy especially  if you have children or other pets. So to help you out I’ve decide to post some of my favorite methods  here  to make it simpler and remember 9/10 times if you miss the training window. Your house will never be quite as clean as before. So, take training seriously but I know after a long hard day with your feet hurting and just exhausted when that puppy seems to get into everything it’s will seems easy to just kind of forget to constantly train them.

Crate training: Crate training is a form of potty training, the way it goes is puppy’s do not waste where they lie so while your out puppy your puppy in their crate. Fill it with toys and food and water and a few bed things. Take them out before you put them up and right when you get back. If you work then this is a phenomenal method of training.

Spray bottle: You ever noticed when a puppy is about to get into something and verbal commands don’t work but hitting their nose just seems to harsh with those big puppy eyes? Well try a spray bottle just squirt them with some water and it stops them pretty quick.

Verbal training: For verbal training pick a few select words, such as “Outside” say it as you take them outside every thing time. Over time your puppy will associate the word with well outside. Then they  will be able to respond and let you know if they need to go. Other words like “inside”when you bring him in, or, stop when you squirt him when does something bad. But consistency is key.

We’ll if you want more information on these topics check out the links below and yes the picture above is my puppy dog Nicolai! Follow me on Instagram (thewhovianking) for more of his cuteness. Well thanks for reading guys!

Training links:

Crate training: http://www.perfectpaws.com/crt.html

Spray bottle technique: http://dogs.answers.com/dog-training/spray-bottle-dog-training-tips

Verbal Commands: http://www.dog-training-excellence.com/dog-training-verbal-commands.html

Simple Vegan recipes to boost your energy fast!

Hey guys, today’s post is inspired by stomach and my rapid energy loss. : )



I have recently started to feel sluggish since I’ve had less and less time to shop for my usual groceries. I.E Fresh fish and tofu along with fruits and veggies. I have had even less time to go to the gym while work 40 hrs a week on night shift . We all work hard and it’s no surprise in this economy with  money tight and work hours so painfully longer. Which got me think what’s something that takes out almost all those nasty harsh chemicals in food now a days and can be made on the fly or before hand? Then it hit me. Vegan! So simple and often forgotten to us meat eaters as an occasional meal idea. I started looking up some simple vegan ideas, and found some amazing recipes.  I realize that yeah maybe, I can’t cook every night but with these super packed foods twice a week would help balance me out far more than just throwing in the towel and buying that burger.  So, here you go ladies and Gents enjoy. : )

Quick Easy Vegan Gluten Free Mac N Cheese (As seen on http://tinyurl.com/p846tu2)

A Quick Veggie curry. (As seen on http://tinyurl.com/ntrhod3 )

These are just a few of my favorites, and check out this great site below for more amazing easy ideas.


Thanks for reading!